Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Rearranging Rainbows

The ten tracks on Radiohead's In Rainbows are still the ten most played tracks on last.fm, but the order has been rearranged slightly.

1. 15 Step
5. All I Need
3. Nude
7. Reckoner
2. Bodysnatchers
4. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
6. Faust Arp
9. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
10. Videotape
8. House of Cards

"15 Step" is still the most popular by a wide margin, and "Videotape" has leapfrogged over "House of Cards", but other tracks (like "Bodysnatchers") have dropped in popularity.

They're all still safely ahead of Kanye West's "Stronger" (holding at #11, but #1 pre-Radiohead), and should be camping in the last.fm top ten for awhile.

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