Geez, wasn't that the dullest Super Bowl in the last decade? The only one that might come close was the Bucs-Raiders debacle, but this one was down there with the worst of them.
Back when halftime entertainer Prince was at the height of his popularity in the mid-80s, all the Super Bowls were bad games, but there's been a run of good games for the past few years. This one was badly played at both ends by both teams, and helped me realize why NFL football doesn't hold the same allure for me that it once did.
Even the commercials were boring. I watched the game time-shifted on my DVR, but kept watching the ads anyway hoping for someone to make good use of their $3M worth of ad time. I liked the K-Fed Nationwide ad, and a few others, but when the best Super Bowl commercials are the Letterman and Craig Ferguson , it's a bad year for advertisers too.
But congratulations to the Colts for finishing what Mrs. O'Leary's cow started and putting away Chicago. Instant karma's gonna get you, Bears fans. And Prince's halftime show rocked. Performing "Purple Rain" in the rain. Pure genius. That's why he's Prince, and we're just us.
Although I don't think I'll ever learn to love the medley format, that was the best SB halftime show I can remember. Not a very high bar, but still. And I'm glad he found a way to work in some obscenity--it just wouldn't be Prince otherwise.
I liked the Coke fantasy ad, partly because it reminded me of the email you get when ordering from CDBaby. In fact, I bet that's where they got the idea.
Prince has been doing a residency in Vegas, so I was expecting the Purple Rain medley-fest. And that's how halftime shows work. You only get 10-15 minutes to do your thing.
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