Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Befriend the Banana

From a Splendid E-Zine interview with Anton Barbeau.

AB: I wrote "The Banana Song".

And "The Banana Song" now has its own myspace page, with four versions of the song: The original version on A Splendid Tray (Frigidisk, 1999), a live version on Mood Hat Live (self released, 2000), "Banana 2000" on The Golden Boot (125, 2001), and a more recent version with Su Jordan "Banana wiff Su".

Missing are his version of "Revolution 9" (essentially a splice-job on the original "Banana") from Will Ant For Frond (125, 2002) and the original original demo from 1996. I've been seeing Anton play for the last 12 years, and he's played "The Banana Song" at nearly every one of them, so it might be time to retire it, but at least it's a better set-ender than "Drug Free".


Anonymous said...

So, you're saying 'Banana' has more versions than 'Third Eye'. I think not.

Steve said...

More recorded versions? The only recorded versions of "Third Eye" that I can think of are the demo, the original ST version, and "version Scott". Are there others?

If it's live versions, Anton's been playing "Banana" for 12+ years, but stopped playing "Third Eye" somewhere along the way..

2fs said...

As one of our friends pointed out, "Octagon" is probably the next most versioned Ant song...