All the sweet black asphalt flowing down
Someone left their tanker truck in flames
I don't think the maze can take it
And it won't take long to break it
And we'll never have that overpass again
Free transit!
From the 1960s:
The Turtles - Earth Anthem
(from Battle of the Bands, 1968)
In a similar vein to the Turtles' song, the 1970's entry is the Beach Boys' "Don't Go Near The Water" from the 1971 album Surf's Up. It was also the B-side of the title track single, creating one of the best contrasting A/B sides ever! ("Surf's Up"/"Don't Go Near The Water"). Despite the attempt at "topical" material and Love/Jardine songwriting credit, it's a pretty good song from the time of the inaugural Earth Day.
Everyone have a happy Earth Day, and try to reduce your ecological backpack by not burning these tracks to CD-R until you have enough to make it worth the strain on our environment. After all, it's the only environment we have!
At this point, it's no secret that Fountains of Wayne are not the world's best lyricists.I could fill this review with forced, awkward, and downright embarrassing lines from Traffic and Weather, but few people are looking to this band for lyrical wit and insight.Count me among "few people", because lyrical wit and insight are the exact traits that I think separate Adam and Chris from their pop peers. And Schlesinger's lyrics are all top-notch: each song is like a self-contained short story with characters and a plot.
The band seems to be veering increasingly towards stories and "themes" in their songs, and the results can be pretty nightmarish-- it's all forced structure and no payoff, like a joke stripped of its humor.They aren't "veering increasingly" toward stories and themes, it's what they've always done! Nearly every Fountains of Wayne song is a character study. And it's what makes them more than a joke band. As an example, "Someone To Love", the first single from the new album tells the story of two lonely professional, Seth and Beth. Each verse gives more details from their lives and they seem destined to meet up at the end, but they don't.
We should expect much, much more from pop music than this kind of bullshit.Who is "we"? Like one of the commenters on the Onion AV Club said, "reading people hating on Fountains of Wayne really damages my calm". I realize that musical taste is subjective, and FoW might not be everyone's cup of mocha, but they're hardly worthy of the hatred they're receiving from some corners. Their kind of bullshit is exactly what I expect from pop music.
The best description of this album, for those who have heard the music of Jonathan Richman, is to imagine Richman suddenly being given the musical talent of Bach, and two days in the studio. Anyone who doesn't love this album will loathe it, but it's their loss. Buy this album.Presently the only way to buy Love You is in a two-fer tandem with 15 Big Ones, which is one of the worst albums the BBs ever made. Even more unfortunate is that the iTunes/amazon cover art for the CD shows the cover of 15 Big Ones. Buying that album on my 11th birthday (with my own money) taught me the lesson to avoid any album with facial hair on the front cover. This kept me from buying the Beatles' blue album for a while, but has saved me from buying many dodgy records over the years. Love You has their Beach Boys with facial hair photo on the back cover.
I might send him a telegram, but that would be the extent of it.A telegram? Western Union doesn't even do telegrams anymore, so I guess Barry is out of luck.
What an incredible Cinderella story, this unknown comes outta no where to lead the pack, at Augusta. He's on his final hole, he's about 455 yards away - he's gonna hit about a two-iron I think. Oh he got all of that one! He's gotta be pleased with that, the crowd is just on its feet here, uh - He's the Cinderella boy, outta no where, a former greenskeeper now - about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a mirac - It's in the Hole!The Beat -There She Goes (from the Caddyshack soundtrack)
The A's are still the Ramones of baseball, whereas the Giants remain the Bee Gees.I don't follow.. Does that mean that the A's are punk rock, while the Giants are disco? Anyway, the Ramones of baseball start a four-game series with the L.A. Angels of Anaheim (the Van Halen of baseball?) that might be tough. Harden pitched yesterday and Loaiza is on the DL, so the A's are throwing their C-F starters (Gaudin, Kennedy, Haren, Blanton) up against the Angels in Anaheim (sorry, L.A. of Anaheim). It's like the Ramones facing Van Halen without Joey, Johnny, or Dee Dee. A 2-2 split would be a great result.
There was a time in the 1980s and 1990s when mentioning that you listened to Robyn Hitchcock was the easiest way to score a date with the artsy college girl of your choice.The easiest way? I need to travel back in time to the 80s and 90s and try that line out on artsy college girls!